
Our Juicy Blog explores a variety of topics from all aspects of LGBTQ+ lifestyles including: Pop Culture, Drag, Personal Narratives and more! The Juicy Blog is a safe space for anyone under the LGBTQ+ spectrum to learn more about their own identity, learn how to solve issues they may face, and just to have a gay ol' time!

Please review our Juicy Blog for the types of work we tend to include, however something out of the box and new is also welcome, in fact, encouraged. We are always looking for a new perspective!

At this time, we are not paying for articles. All submissions are voluntary.

General Guidelines:

  • To submit, email with the subject line Juicy Blog Submission. Submissions must be previously unpublished on any other blog websites.
  • We only accept written non-fiction and fiction articles from 800-2000 words. 

  • You may only submit one piece for consideration at a time.

  • You may include a brief bio with your submission. You are welcome to state demographics such as age, race, pronouns, etc., in your submission email. If you prefer your article to be anonymous, please note that as well.

If your article is accepted for publication, we may provide extra feedback and reserve the right to request edits on your article.

If we are unable to publish your article, you may ask us for feedback as well. Please note that feedback for unpublished articles may take additional time to review.

For any additional information, or if you would like your article be taken down, please email

Thank you so much for your interest and we look forward to reading your work!